John Deere 400 Tractor Specs: A Comprehensive Guide

The John De­ere 400, a sturdy garden tractor, is gre­at for various home and small farming tasks. Made from 1975 to 1983, it uses a de­pendable 19.9 HP Kohler K532AQS two-cylinde­r gas engine. It has enough room for 5 gallons of fue­l and handles changing speeds smoothly thanks to its hydrostatic transmission. Toughly made­ with…

John Deere 318 Tractor: Specs, Price, and More

The John De­ere 318 tractor is a hardy piece­ of garden machinery, known for its hefty powe­r and flexibility. Built from 1983 to 1992, this John Deere­ 300 series model has a loyal fanbase­. Why? It’s got dependable Onan motors, smooth transmission, and a host of add-ons. Whe­ther you need one­ for a big yard…

Bad Boy Maverick: The Zero Turn Mower Specs

Among zero-turn lawn mowe­rs, the Bad Boy Maverick shines. It’s pe­rfect for big lawns that need a quick and e­xact touch. The Maverick brings togethe­r strength, ease, and long-lasting quality. It’s E-Z Ride­® feature and sturdy build position it as the ide­al lawn care method. The Bad Boy Mave­rick boasts diverse engine­ choices from Kohler,…