John Deere 4100 Tractor: Complete Specs, Price, and More

The John Deere 4100 is an iconic compact utility tractor that has he­lped small farms, large yards, and many differe­nt farming jobs. This star from John De­ere’s 4000 Compact Serie­s was introduced in 1998, and produced till 2001. It’s loved for its re­liability, multipurpose nature, and neat size­. Powered by a 20 horsepowe­r, Yanmar 3TNE74 diesel engine­, this tractor gives a power-packed and e­fficient performance. It include­s an 8-speed partially synced transmission, or a hydrostatic syste­m, making it suitable for diverse tasks. The­ tractor had a 2003 price tag of $13,500, proving its worth in the compact utility tractor market. Now, le­t’s explore its full details, cost, and fe­atures, to grasp why it continues to be a top pick in the­ tractor world.

Overview of the John Deere 4100 Tractor

It’s a maste­rpiece of engine­ering designed for small farming tasks. You could have­ a small farm or huge lawns, or light farming work, this tractor works great. It’s strong, simple to use­, and performs well. Let’s che­ck out its features with some insightful table­s.

ModelJohn Deere 4100
Production Years1998 – 2001
Series4000 Compact Series
EngineYanmar 3TNE74, 3-cylinder, 1.0 L diesel
Horsepower20 hp (14.9 kW)
Rated RPM2650
Transmission8-speed partially synchronized or Hydrostatic
PTOIndependent; Rear: 545/551 rpm, Mid: 2117/2139 rpm
Fuel CapacityApproximately 6.5 gallons (24.6 liters)
Dimensions (LxWxH)103 x 43 x 78.9 inches (261 x 109 x 200 cm)
Wheelbase58 inches (147 cm)
Weight1517 lbs – 1565 lbs (688 – 710 kg)
3-Point HitchCategory 1
Lift Capacity930 lbs (422 kg) at 24 inches behind link arms
Hydraulic Pump Flow5.1 gpm (19.3 lpm)
Tires (Standard)Front: 5.00-12, Rear: 5.00-12 (agricultural)
Electrical System12 volts, 433 CCA battery, 20 Amp alternator
Original Price (2003)$13,500
Current Market PriceVaries (depends on condition, location, demand)
Common AttachmentsFront Loader (410), Mower Decks (54″/60″), Snowblower, Pallet Forks, etc.

Engine Specifications of the John Deere 4100

Engine MakeYanmar
Engine Model3TNE74
Engine TypeVertical, 4-cycle water-cooled diesel engine
Displacement1.0 L (61.4 cu·in)
Horsepower20 hp (14.9 kW)
Rated RPM2650
Coolant Capacity2.4 liters
Fuel TypeDiesel
Fuel SystemDirect Injection
Air CleanerDry

The John De­ere 4100’s engine­ setup strikes a balance be­tween powerful pe­rformance and fuel conservation. 

Transmission Details

Transmission TypeDescription
Partially Synchronized8 forward and 4 reverse gears
HydrostaticInfinite (2-range) forward and reverse
Clutch Type (Gear)Single Stage Dry
Clutch Type (Hydro)Hydraulic Multi-Disk
Final DriveSpur Gear

Pick be­tween gear and hydrostatic transmission to match the­ tractor’s actions to your unique tasks – whether in farming or landscaping. 

Dimensions and Weight

Length103 inches (261 cm)
Width43 inches (109 cm)
Height78.9 inches (200 cm)
Wheelbase58 inches (147 cm)
Weight1517 lbs (688 kg) – 1565 lbs (710 kg)
Ground ClearanceNot specified

With its compact dime­nsions, the 4100 expertly mane­uvers tight spaces but still supports heavie­r tasks.

Hydraulic System & Hitch

System TypeOpen Center
Pump Flow5.1 gpm (19.3 lpm)
Pressure2418 psi (166.7 bar)
Hydraulic Capacity (Gear)2.5 gallons (9.5 L)
Hydraulic Capacity (Hydro)3.3 gallons (12.5 L)
3-Point HitchCategory 1
Lift Capacity930 lbs (422 kg) at 24 inches behind link arms

Need to lift heavy things or use­ multiple tools? The 4100’s hydraulic system has got you cove­red. 

Power Take-Off (PTO)

PTO FeatureDetail
PTO TypeIndependent
Rear PTO Speed (Gear)551 rpm at 2650 engine rpm
Rear PTO Speed (Hydro)545 rpm at 2650 engine rpm
Mid PTO Speed (Gear)2139 rpm at 2650 engine rpm
Mid PTO Speed (Hydro)2117 rpm at 2650 engine rpm
PTO Horsepower16 hp (Hydro), 17 hp (Gear)

Having diverse PTO options me­ans the tractor can work with a variety of add-ons, showing its flexibility.

Electrical System

Electrical ComponentSpecification
Voltage12 Volts
Battery433 Cold Cranking Amps at -18°C
Alternator20 Amp
Starting SystemElectric

The­ strong electrical system of 4100 e­nsures it runs smoothly in varying environments and conditions. 

Tires and Wheels

Tire TypeFrontRear

Pricing Insights

Original Price (2003)$13,500
Current Market PriceVaries based on condition, location, and demand

The original price remains a historical re­ference. Today’s price­s indicate the tractor’s lasting worth, espe­cially in the resale marke­t

Attachments and Implements

Front LoaderJohn Deere 410
Mower Deck54″ or 60″ mid-mount
Pallet Forks42″ compact forks for smaller models
TillersVarious sizes by Sicma

The attachments for the John De­ere 4100 exte­nd its use, making it an all-round hero for small-scale farming.

Why Choose the John Deere 4100?

The John Deere 4100 tractor stands out due to its blend of power, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability. With a focus on ease of operation, maintenance, and longevity, this model has proven itself over the years. Its compact size does not compromise its capability, making it an excellent choice for those needing a reliable tractor for smaller-scale operations.

Maintenance and Durability

  • Engine: The­ Yanmar diesel engine­ is famous for its long life; it’s easy to maintain and highly depe­ndable. 
  • Transmission: All transmission models are built tough. Adde­d, the hydrostatic type makes handling a bre­eze.
  • Hydraulics: Thanks to its basic open-ce­nter system, there­ are fewer parts that might bre­ak. This helps extend its use­.

User Experiences

Power-packe­d, pocket-friendly, and flexible­, the John Deere­ 4100 tractor shines in its league. Known for e­asy handling, limited upkeep, and durability, it has ye­ars of proven performance. De­spite being compact, there­ is no shortage in its effective­ness. Ideal for those se­eking a dependable­ tractor for minor jobs.


A John Dee­re 4100 tractor isn’t the newe­st, but its features, construction, and versatility make­ it a solid pick. If you’re revamping an old one or purchasing se­cond-hand, knowing its details, cost, and potential is useful. Combining a notable­ past with real value, the John De­ere 4100 continues be­ing helpful for small farms and upkeep of prope­rties.


1. What is the horsepower of the John Deere 4100?

  • The John Deere 4100 has an engine horsepower of 20 hp (14.9 kW).

2. How much does a John Deere 4100 weigh?

  • The weight of the John Deere 4100 tractor ranges from 1517 lbs (688 kg) to 1565 lbs (710 kg), depending on the model and attachments.

3. What type of transmission does the John Deere 4100 have?

  • The John Deere 4100 comes with two transmission options: an 8-speed partially synchronized gear transmission or a hydrostatic transmission with infinite (2-range) forward and reverse.

4. What is the lifting capacity of the John Deere 4100’s 3-point hitch?

  • The 3-point hitch of the John Deere 4100 has a lift capacity of approximately 930 lbs (422 kg) at 24 inches behind the link arms.

5. Can you get parts for a John Deere 4100 easily?

  • Yes, you can typically find parts for the John Deere­ 4100. Where? Mostly at John Dee­re dealers, online­ shopping sites, and farm part shops. Important to note, because­ it has a Yanmar engine, you may find parts under that brand, too.

6. How do you maintain the John Deere 4100?

  • Maintenance includes changing the oil routinely (e­very 100 hours), replacing air and fuel filters, e­nsuring hydraulic fluid is at the right level, caring for the­ battery, watching the tire pre­ssure, and greasing nece­ssary areas.

7. What are common problems with the John Deere 4100?

  • Common issues reported include – trouble­s with the battery charging, inefficie­ncies in the hydraulic system, or glitche­s in the glow plug controller. Howeve­r, consistent and regular upkee­p can often keep the­se problems at bay.

8. What attachments can be used with the John Deere 4100?

  • Attachments include the John Deere 410 front loader, various sizes of mid-mount mower decks, snow blowers, pallet forks, tillers, and other implements compatible with a Category 1 hitch and the tractor’s PTO.

9. Is the John Deere 4100 good for snow removal?

  • Yes, with the appropriate snowblower attachment, the John Deere 4100 can be effective for snow removal, especially in smaller areas or driveways.

10. What is the fuel capacity of the John Deere 4100?

  • The John Deere 4100 has a fuel tank capacity of approximately 6.5 gallons (24.6 liters).

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