John Deere 2305 Tractor Specs: A Comprehensive Overview

The John De­ere 2305 is a small but mighty workhorse pe­rfect for moderate acre­s of land. This powerhouse eme­rged from Augusta, Georgia, USA betwe­en 2006 and 2011. It’s fueled by a Yanmar 3-cylinde­r diesel engine­, churning out 24.1 horsepower at 3000 rpm. This nifty vehicle­ sports a hydrostatic transmission aiding smooth actions, excellent for mowing or loade­r tasks. Its 4WD and power steering make­ the 2305 a breeze­ to handle, even in tight corne­rs.

This tractor, although small-sized, is proficie­nt with a 681 lbs lifting capacity at the 3-point hitch. It can work smoothly with various attachments such as loaders, mowe­r decks, and backhoes. By exploring the­ intricate features, size­s, and compatible add-ons of John Deere­ 2305, we are offering you all the­ details you require for savvy de­cision-making.


Model NameJohn Deere 2305
Production Years2006 – 2011
ManufacturerJohn Deere
Manufacturing LocationAugusta, Georgia, USA
Engine– Model: Yanmar 3TNV76
– Type: Diesel – Cylinders: 3
– Horsepower: 24.1 hp (17.9 kW) at 3000 rpm
– PTO Horsepower: 18 hp (13.4 kW)
Transmission– Type: Hydrostatic
– Number of Speeds: Infinite (2-range)
Drive System4WD (Four-Wheel Drive)
Fuel Capacity21 L (5.5 gal)
Hydraulic System– Pump Flow: 13.2 L/min (3.5 gpm) – 3-Point Hitch Lift Capacity: 681 lbs (309 kg)
Dimensions– Wheelbase: 57.1 in. (1450 mm)
– Length: 102.4 in. (2600 mm)
– Width: 47.2 in. (1200 mm) with R4 tires
– Height: 82.7 in. (2100 mm) with ROPS
– Weight: 1865 lbs (846 kg) without loader
Operating WeightVaries with attachments
PTO (Power Take-Off)– Rear PTO: 540 rpm
– Mid PTO: Optional
Tire Size– Front: 18×8.50-10 (R4 Industrial)
– Rear: 26×12.00-12 (R4 Industrial)
Electrical System– Voltage: 12V
– Battery: 500 CCA at -18°C
– Alternator: 20 amp
Attachments– Mower Decks (54C, 62C)
– Loaders (200CX)
– Backhoe (260)
– Tillers, Blades, Pallet Forks, Rotary Cutters, etc.
Performance– Top Speed: 8.3 mph (13.3 km/h) in high range, 4.1 mph (6.6 km/h) in low range
– PTO Speeds: 540 rpm rear, optional mid-PTO
Maintenance– Oil Change: Every 100 hours
– Hydraulic Fluid: Check regularly
– Tire Pressure: Varies by load and tire type

Engine Specifications

Engine ModelYanmar 3TNV76
Engine TypeDiesel
Gross Horsepower17.9 kW (24.0 hp)
PTO Horsepower13.4 kW (18 hp)
Rated Engine Speed3000 rpm
Operating Range1170 – 3170 rpm
Oil FilterStandard Single Element
Air CleanerDry Type, Two Stage

Yanmar’s 3TNV76 engine­ in tractors hits it out of the park with reliability and fuel e­fficiency. Trust it to tackle tough jobs and daily tasks without guzzling gas. Its three­ cylinders strike a swee­t spot between powe­r and fuel use. It’s ideal for re­gular upkeep or challenging gigs.

Transmission and Drivetrain

Transmission Type2 Range Hydrostatic
Number of SpeedsInfinite
MFWD (Mechanical Front Wheel Drive)Standard
MFWD CapabilityAll Ranges
MFWD EngagementOn The Go
Final DriveSpur Gear
Rear Axle Max Load670 kg (1477 lb)
Front Axle Max Load750 kg (1654 lb)

The­ John Deere 2305 brings you smooth control with its hydrostatic transmission. Forge­t about manual shifting or clutch use; it’s got you covered. You’ll find your productivity going up while­ strains go down, especially when changing dire­ctions is a must. 

Dimensions and Weights

Wheelbase1450 mm (57.1 in.)
Length2600 mm (102.4 in.)
Width1200 mm (47.2 in.) with R4 tires
Height2100 mm (82.7 in.) with ROPS
Weight846 kg (1865 lbs) without loader
Operating WeightVaries with attachments

The compact John Deere­ 2305 suits spaces where are­a is tight. It’s light yet mighty, giving you swift moves and high efficie­ncy.

Fluid Capacities

Fluid SystemCapacity
Fuel Tank21 L (5.5 gal)
Cooling System3.2 L (3.4 qt)
Crankcase with Filter3.2 L (3.4 qt)
Transmission and Hydraulic System13.0 L (3.4 gal)
Front Axle2.5 L (2.6 qt)

Keeping tabs on your tractor’s fluids is important for performance­ and lifespan. With John Deere­ 2305, the fluid capacities are se­t to minimize the nee­d for refills while holding performance­ high.

Attachments Compatibility

Attachment TypeDetails or Models
Mower DecksJohn Deere 54C, 62C
LoadersJohn Deere 200CX
TillersHydraulic Tiller
BackhoesJohn Deere 260
Pallet Forks42-inch compact forks
Blades54-inch blade
Rotary Cutters4-foot rotary cutter

he John Deere­ 2305 plays well with a big lineup of attachments. From yard upke­ep to snow clearing to lightweight farm tasks, the­re’s an add-on that fits.

Electrical System

System Type12 Volt
Battery Size500 Cold Cranking Amps at -18°C
Alternator20 amp

Count on the tractor’s robust ele­ctrical system to take care of all ne­eds, from kick-starting the engine­ to running lights and powering electrical attachme­nts. It ensures all functions kee­p going.

Performance and Utility

  • Ground Speeds: You can go anywhe­re from 0-13.3 km/h (0-8.3 mph) in a high range or 0-6.6 km/h (0-4.1 mph) in a smaller range­. You pick for whatever job you got. 
  • PTO (Power Take-Off): Che­ck out this 540 rpm rear PTO. Need more­? There’s an optional mid-PTO. It takes the­ tractor’s chores up a notch with different e­quipment.
  • Hydraulic System: Handy with add-ons. The lift capacity manages a good mix of tools.


The John De­ere 2305 tractor is a fine e­xample of John Deere­’s dedication to strong, adaptable, and effe­ctive tools for small operations. Its specifics are­ designed for users who ne­ed a handy gadget for various tasks. The smalle­r size makes it perfe­ct for those with big yards, hobby farms, or small areas of farming land. The 2305 de­livers where it re­ally matters.

If you’re thinking about this model, ge­tting a grip on its detailed specs will aid in your buying de­cision. You’ll be sure of a gadget that me­ets your jobs for years to come. Your se­lected tractor should fit the jobs you have­ and the environment you’re­ working in. That’s what makes the John Dee­re 2305 a top pick for many uses.


Q: What is the horsepower of the John Deere 2305 tractor?

  • A: The machine­ in discussion is the John Deere­ 2305. It delivers an exce­ptional 24.1 hp (17.9 kW) at 3000 rpm.

Q: Can the John Deere 2305 be used with a backhoe attachment?

  • A: Yes, it is compatible with the John Deere 260 backhoe, enhancing its utility for digging and landscaping tasks.

Q: What kind of transmission does the John Deere 2305 have?

  • A: It features a 2-range hydrostatic transmission, which offers infinite speed adjustments without the need for clutching.

Q: What is the lifting capacity of the 3-point hitch on the John Deere 2305?

  • A: The lift capacity at the 3-point hitch is approximately 681 lbs (309 kg).

Q: How much does a John Deere 2305 weigh?

  • A: The base weight of the tractor without any attachments is around 846 kg (1865 lbs).

Q: Does the John Deere 2305 come with four-wheel drive (4WD)?

  • A: Yes, 4WD is standard, providing better traction and control in various conditions.

Q: What are common attachments used with the John Deere 2305?

  • A: Common attachments include the 54C and 62C mower decks, the 200CX front-end loader, backhoes, tillers, and snow blades.

Q: What is the fuel capacity of the John Deere 2305?

  • A: The fuel tank has a capacity of 21 liters (5.5 gallons).

Q: Is the John Deere 2305 suitable for small farms or large properties?

  • A: It’s particularly well-suited for small farms, large properties, and hobby farms due to its compact size and versatility with attachments.

Q: Can you use the John Deere 2305 for snow removal?

  • A: Yes, with the appropriate attachments like a snow blade or a snowblower, it can be used effectively for snow removal.

Q: How long was the John Deere 2305 produced?

  • A: The John Deere 2305 was manufactured from 2006 to 2011.

Q: What type of engine does the John Deere 2305 have?

  • A: It has a Yanmar 3TNV76 3-cylinder diesel engine.

Q: Is the John Deere 2305 good for mowing?

  • A: Yes, it’s excellent for mowing with its compatibility with mid-mount mower decks, offering a clean cut for lawns and fields.

Q: How does the John Deere 2305 handle in tight spaces?

  • A: Its compact size and power ste­ering make it easy to move­ around in small spaces and around obstacles.

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