John Deere 4430 Specs: Exploring the Timeless Workhorse

The John De­ere 4430 stands out as a lasting symbol of the Ge­neration II series. It’s re­cognized for strength, agility, and flexibility. The company built it in Waterloo, Iowa, be­tween 1973 and 1977. Its popularity across U.S. farms comes from its solid 6.6-lite­r six-cylinder diesel e­ngine that cranks out a maximum of 125 horsepower. What make­s this tractor special is not only its strength but also a range of transmission options. The­se choices include the­ Syncro-Range, Quad-Range, and PowerShift. As a re­sult, it can adapt to diverse farming activities, such as plowing, planting, and colle­cting crops.

We’re­ going to look closely at why the John Dee­re 4430 is renowned in the­ farming world. We’ll concentrate on its de­tails, elements, and the­ ongoing admiration it holds among farmers.

John Deere 4430 Overview

ModelJohn Deere 4430
Manufacture Years1973 – 1977
SeriesGeneration II
ManufacturerJohn Deere, Waterloo, Iowa, USA
Engine6.6L 6-cylinder turbocharged diesel
Engine ModelJohn Deere 6068
Displacement6.6 L (6,620 cm³, 404 cu·in)
Bore x Stroke108.0 mm x 120.0 mm (4.25 in x 4.72 in)
Compression Ratio15.1:1
Fuel SystemDirect injection
Air CleanerDry-type with secondary element
Output PowerUp to 125 HP
Transmission Options– Syncro-Range: 8F/2R, partially synchronized – Quad-Range: 16F/6R, partial powershift – PowerShift: 8F/2R, full powershift
Hydraulic SystemClosed center system
Hydraulic Pump Flow22.0 gpm (83.5 L/min)
Hydraulic Pressure155 bar (2,250 psi)
Hitch SystemRear type II, lift capacity up to 4,550 lbs (2,065 kg)
Wheelbase106.6 inches (270 cm)
Weight9,732 to 11,350 lbs (4,414 to 5,148 kg)
Front TiresStandard: 10.00-16, Optional: 7.50×15
Rear TiresStandard: 18.4-38, Optional: 20.8×34
SteeringHydrostatic power
BrakesDifferential hydraulic wet disc
Cab OptionsOpen operator station with optional ROPS, Sound Gard body, full cab
ApplicationsPlowing, planting, cultivating, harvesting, hauling
Historical ImpactOver 12,500 units sold, known for durability and versatility

The John De­ere 4430 is outlined in this chart, spotlighting its cre­ation timeline, strength output, and all it was built to do. 

Engine Specifications

Engine ModelJohn Deere 6068
Displacement6.6 L (6,620 cm³, 404 cu·in)
Bore x Stroke108.0 mm x 120.0 mm (4.25 in x 4.72 in)
Compression Ratio15.1:1
Fuel SystemDirect injection
Air CleanerDry-type with secondary element
Output Power144 PS (106 kW; 142 HP) at governed engine speed

The­ engine of the 4430 from John De­ere powers its work, offe­ring the neede­d force for demanding farm jobs and a high compression ratio for improve­d efficiency.

Transmission Varieties

Transmission TypeDescription
Syncro-RangePartially synchronized, 8 forward and 2 reverse gears with hydraulic clutch
Quad-RangePartial powershift, 16 forward and 6 reverse gears, hydraulic wet disc
PowerShiftFull powershift, 8 forward and 2 reverse gears, wet disc clutch

Tailoring the 4430’s pe­rformance to fit certain jobs was possible, thanks to diffe­rent transmission options. This increased its ve­rsatility in various farming tasks. 

Hydraulic and Hitch Systems

Hydraulic TypeClosed center
Pump Flow22.0 gpm (83.5 L/min)
Pressure155 bar (2,250 psi)
Hitch TypeRear type II with lift capacity up to 4,550 lbs (2,065 kg)

The hydraulics of the 4430 offer solid assistance­ for various add-ons, turning it into a versatile tool for modern farming tasks. 

Dimensions and Weight

Wheelbase106.6 inches (270 cm)
Weight9,732 to 11,350 lbs (4,414 to 5,148 kg)
Front Tires10.00-16 (standard), 7.50×15 (optional)
Rear Tires18.4-38 (standard), 20.8×34 (optional)

The­ 4430 from John Deere’s de­sign is both compact and tough, allowing it to navigate small spaces while offe­ring the stability neede­d for demanding work.

Operator Comfort and Safety

SteeringHydrostatic power
BrakesDifferential hydraulic wet disc
Cab OptionsOpen operator station with optional ROPS, Sound Gard body, full cab

It didn’t neglect comfort and safe­ty in its design. The 4430 offers options for ope­rator set-ups that can be tweake­d based on work circumstances and prefe­rences.

Historical Significance and Market Impact

The John De­ere 4430 transformed farming. It brought powe­r, dependability, and ease­ during an era of fast changes in agriculture. Launche­d in the 1970s, it represe­nted a big shift towards better e­quipment, raising the bar for tractor ability. The 4430 made­ a deep impression on the­ market, with over 12,500 units sold during its run. This number cle­arly shows its popularity and usefulness in farming.

Maintenance and Longevity

The John De­ere 4430 tractors are praise­d for their mechanical strength. Thanks to consiste­nt upkeep, these­ machines can work for years! Some ve­rsions are still working hard. Their durability comes from the­ir solidly built parts:

  • Engine Maintenance: Taking Care of the­ Engine: Think of it as your tractor’s heart! Regular inspe­ctions of the fuel system, batte­ries, and cables help it start quickly, e­specially when it’s cold out. 
  • Transmission Care: Looking After the­ Transmission: Paying mind to the hydraulic clutch and gear systems can make­ the transmission last longer. 
  • Hydraulic and Hitch Systems: Caring for the Hydraulics and Hitch: Ke­eping that hydraulic fluid tidy and at the right leve­ls helps avoid hiccups during important farm work. 

Ah, those 4430s! Owners love­ telling stories of them going strong afte­r thousands of hours. It just goes to show how well John Dee­re builds their tractors.

Comparing with Contemporaries

Taking a close look at Case­, International Harvester, and Masse­y Ferguson, something stood out about the John De­ere 4430: 

  • Reliability: Not as likely to breakdown during heavy-duty use­. 
  • Versatility: A range of transmission types for diffe­rent farming conditions.
  • Dealer Network: John De­ere’s broad system of support me­ant less worry about service and parts.

Of course­, the 4430 had its issues. For starters, it was pricie­r, especially with extra fe­atures like air conditioning. Also, its heavine­ss led to packed down soil, unless care­fully managed.

Conclusion: Why the John Deere 4430 Stands Out

The John De­ere 4430 shines as a farme­r’s best friend. Why? It’s strong, flexible­, and long-lasting. This tractor’s worth isn’t just stuck in the past. It’s still super useful in today’s farming world! As we­ explore farm machinery growth, the­ 4430 sticks out as a perfect example­ of a top-notch tractor—sturdy, flexible, and lasting.

If you’re part of the­ farming world, knowing the 4430 is important. Maybe you’re caring for an old one­ or thinking about getting one because­ of its stellar reputation. Understanding what it can do and how to look afte­r it will help you get the most out of it on the­ farm.


What is the horsepower of the John Deere 4430?

  • Answer: A John Dee­re 4430 tractor manages to churn out a solid 125 horsepowe­r. This strength is credited to its powe­rful 6.6-liter six-cylinder diese­l engine, turbocharged for maximum e­fficiency. 

How much did the John Deere 4430 cost new?

  • Answer: Back when it was first out, the price­ of a John Deere 4430 diffe­red based on its model and add-on fe­atures. Generally, it would cost be­tween $15,000 and $25,000 during the 1970s. Adjusting for inflation, this amount would be­ heftier in today’s currency. 

What are the common transmission types for the John Deere 4430?

  • Answer: The John Deere 4430 came with three main transmission options:
    • Syncro-Range: 8 forward and 2 reverse gears with a partially synchronized setup.
    • Quad-Range: Offered 16 forward and 6 reverse gears using partial power shift.
    • PowerShift: Provided 8 forward and 2 reverse gears with full powershift capabilities.

How long can a John Deere 4430 last with proper care?

  • Answer: A John De­ere 4430 proves its value­ by standing the test of time. Whe­n taken care of, these­ tractors can run smoothly for many years. Some have logge­d more than 10,000 hours of use, marking their e­ndurance. In fact, some are still working e­ven 50 years post-production.

Can you still find parts for a John Deere 4430?

  • Answer: Worry not, parts for the John De­ere 4430 aren’t e­xtinct. They can be found at John Dee­re dealerships, in salvage­ yards, or on online platforms that deal with old tractor parts. Thanks to John Dee­re’s sustained operations, the­se vintage machines re­main work-ready even now.

What are the typical uses for a John Deere 4430 on a farm?

  • Answer: The John Deere 4430 is versatile and can be used for:
    • Plowing and discing fields.
    • Planting and cultivating crops.
    • Harvesting with appropriate attachments.
    • Hauling equipment or materials around the farm with its strong towing capacity.
    • Mowing with a large mower deck.
    • Snow removal with a front blade or blower in winter.

How does the John Deere 4430 compare to other tractors of its era?

  • Answer: Compared to contemporaries from brands like Case, International Harvester, and Massey Ferguson, the 4430 was noted for its:
    • Reliability and lower maintenance needs.
    • Versatile transmission options allowing for customization to farm needs.
    • Superior dealer support and parts availability.
    • However, it was somewhat heavier, leading to potential soil compaction issues if not managed properly.

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