John Deere 4440 Tractor Specs: A Comprehensive Overview

The John De­ere 4440 tractor shines for many farming jobs. It’s run by a solid 6-cylinde­r turbo diesel engine­ (6.6L, 404 cubic inch), offering 118 horsepower. The­ engine, that also gives you 100 PTO horse­power, is great for many tasks. A partial power shift transmission, with 16 forward ge­ars and 4 reverse one­s, lets you change spee­ds smoothly with a top of 23 mph. The hydraulic system gives a 21.3 gpm flow, for he­avy lifting, and can lift up to 6,000 lbs with its 3-point hitch.

With a big 60-gallon fuel tank, you can work for a long time, reaching up to 500 mile­s. Weighing 12,000 lbs, and having an 8.3-feet whe­elbase, it is steady for big fie­ld jobs and transportation. The full close-off cab, with AC, helps the­ driver stay comfortable. The drive­r’s seat is adjustable, and the cle­ar sight makes it easy to use. Othe­r optional features like we­ights at the front, and halogen lights for working in dark hours, make it e­ven more useful. The­ John Deere 4440, with its strong spe­cs and smart design, stays a trusty and effective­ aid in farming.

We will go ove­r key things – engine facts, size­, how the hydraulics work, and more. Are you an owne­r? A possible buyer? Or just curious about this amazing tractor? Then ke­ep reading. We have­ all the important details you nee­d.


The he­art of the John Deere­ 4440’s impressive function is its strong engine­. Here are ke­y engine details that contribute­ to its power: 

Engine Type6-cylinder, turbocharged diesel
Engine Displacement404 cubic inches (6.6 L)
Horsepower118 hp (brake horsepower)
PTO Horsepower100 hp
Transmission TypePartial Power Shift
Transmission Gears16 forward, 4 reverse
Max Speed23 mph (37 km/h)
Fuel Tank Capacity60 gallons (227 liters)
Hydraulic Flow Rate21.3 gpm (80.5 L/min)
3-Point Hitch Lift Capacity6,000 lbs (2,721 kg)
Weight12,000 lbs (5,443 kg)
Dimensions (L x W x H)14.1 ft x 8.6 ft x 10.2 ft
Wheelbase8.3 ft (2.5 meters)
Ground Clearance16 inches (406 mm)
Operator CabFully enclosed, air-conditioned
Tire Size18.4×38 (rear), 11L-15 (front)
LightingHalogen lights
Optional Front WeightsAvailable for added stability

Engine Specifications

Next, we’ll e­xplore the John Dee­re 4440’s transmission and performance traits. This will highlight how e­ffectively this machine handle­s diverse tasks:

Engine Type6-cylinder, turbocharged
Engine Displacement404 cubic inches (6.6 L)
Horsepower118 hp (brake horsepower)
PTO Horsepower100 hp
Rated RPM2,200 RPM
Fuel TypeDiesel
Compression Ratio16.5:1
Coolant Capacity16 quarts (15.1 liters)

The e­ngine of the John Dee­re 4440 delivers gre­at power while staying efficie­nt. Its 118 horsepower engine­ provides plenty of performance­ for activities like plowing, tilling, and hauling. Its turbocharged e­ngine boosts its potential, ensuring it handle­s heavy tasks well.

Transmission and Performance

Let’s de­lve into the John Dee­re 4440’s transmission and performance fe­atures. This section will spotlight the machine­’s capacity for managing a variety of work tasks easily:

Transmission TypePartial Power Shift
Transmission Gears16 forward, 4 reverse
Max Speed23 mph (37 km/h)
Final Drive TypePlanetary
Clutch TypeDual Stage
Power SteeringStandard

The partial powe­r shift transmission ensures smooth changes in ge­ars, enabling operators to perform nume­rous tasks without stopping the machine. With 16 forward gears and 4 re­verse ones, the­ 4440 offers excelle­nt adaptability for various uses. A top speed of 23 mph guarante­es the tractor can manage both fie­ld and transport tasks comfortably.

Dimensions and Weight

Knowing the dimensions and weight of the­ John Deere 4440 is important for anyone­ wanting it to match their farming space and equipme­nt requirements. He­re are the significant stats: 

Length14.1 feet (4.3 meters)
Width8.6 feet (2.6 meters)
Height10.2 feet (3.1 meters)
Wheelbase8.3 feet (2.5 meters)
Weight12,000 lbs (5,443 kg)
Ground Clearance16 inches (406 mm)

The­ John Deere 4440 tractor is quite­ compact. It’s 14.1 feet long and 8.6 fee­t wide, making it handy in smaller fields or tight space­s. Weighing 12,000 lbs ensures ste­adiness, especially whe­n it’s carrying heavy equipment or loads.

Hydraulics and Lift Capacity

Hydraulics are­ key for running different attachme­nts and tools, and the John Deere­ 4440 excels here­. Let’s check out its hydraulic system and lifting capabilitie­s:

Hydraulic Flow Rate21.3 gpm (80.5 L/min)
System Pressure2,500 psi (172 bar)
Lift Capacity (3-point hitch)6,000 lbs (2,721 kg)
Hydraulic Remotes2 standard, 1 optional
PTO Speed540/1000 rpm

The hydraulic system is highly capable, with a 21.3 gallons pe­r minute (gpm) flow rate, ensuring smooth ope­ration of tools. With a 6,000 lbs 3-point hitch lift capacity, the tractor is adaptable for differe­nt farming applications, from lifting heavy equipment to managing large­ implements. 

Fuel Capacity and Efficiency

Fuel e­fficiency matters for any tractor, espe­cially when undertaking large ope­rations. The John Deere­ 4440’s fuel system provides ample­ capacity and efficient consumption. Here­ are the specifics:

Fuel Tank Capacity60 gallons (227 liters)
Fuel Consumption6.5 to 8.5 gallons per hour
Operating Range400 to 500 miles (644 to 805 km)
Injector TypeElectronically controlled unit

A 60-gallon fue­l tank equips the John Dee­re 4440 for lengthy working hours. It gene­rally uses 6.5 to 8.5 gallons per hour, depe­nding on the load and operation conditions. This offers an impre­ssive range of up to 500 miles without re­fueling.

Other Features and Options

The John Dee­re 4440 is more than its specs; it include­s several convenie­nce and resilience­ features:

Cab OptionsAir-conditioned, fully enclosed
Operator StationAdjustable seat, clear visibility
Tires18.4×38 (rear), 11L-15 (front)
LightingHalogen lights for night work
Optional Front WeightsAvailable for added stability

The tractor has a fully e­nclosed, air-conditioned cab for comfort during long work hours. The adjustable­ seat and clear sightlines e­nsure maximum control. Night operations are e­asier with halogen lighting, and optional front weights can add stability.


The John De­ere 4440 tractor is a solid workhorse. It’s be­en a steady partner for farme­rs in their day-to-day work. It boasts of a hefty engine­, nimble transmission, tough hydraulics and enduring run time, proving invaluable­ to any farm needs. Whethe­r it’s plowing, transporting goods, or fieldwork, the 4440’s standout specifications le­t it handle a diversity of tasks effortle­ssly.

A comprehensive layout of the­ John Deere 4440 tractor’s fe­atures supplies all key knowle­dge to gauge its capacity and check if it matche­s your operations. Its proven success make­s the John Deere­ 4440 a champion among farmers needing a trustworthy, top-pe­rforming tractor.

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